1960-1969: Start of HG
Hagan Gip, probably an unknown name to many. For us, this was the start of our journey.
Hagan Gip was a Swedish entrepreneur who developed cleaning products for swimming pools. Together with the university of Stockholm he developed three products to successfully remove limescale, soap and grease. As of today, we still have his initials as the name of our brand.
1969-1979: HG enters the Netherlands
In 1969 the first HG products are imported to the Netherlands. Van Altena B.V., a Dutch entrepreneur, starts importing the HG products. However, Van Altena was not limited to just swimming pools. He started selling our products to builders, slowly establishing HG as a producer of qualitative cleaning products.
In the 70's, Van Altena B.V. decides to buy the recipes and rights of HG. Almost simultaneosly HG starts producting her products in the Netherlands.

1980's: Switch of focus
In the 1980's HG switched her focus to become the company we are today. HG developed her mission to become the brand for all cleaning and maintenance products in, and within, your house.
HG switched to the consumer market, successfully reaching other European countries and also quickly developing the export market. Furthermore, HG keeps investing in development, quickly adding other cleaning products to the market.

1990's: HG moves to Almere
The switch in focus is paying dividend. Quickly HG is growing to become a household name in cleaning products. In order to keep up with the growing demand, our factory moves from Hillegom to Almere, where a new HQ and production facility is build.

2000's: Growing our European footprint
In the years that follow, HG keeps growing and starts acquiring new business. It starts in England, where we obtain the local importer. This model is followed up in Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, France and most recently Poland.
In the meantime HG keeps growing in the retail market. More importantly, HG "does what it promises" becomes the slogan.
2021: Blue Wonder!
In 2021, HG broadened her portfolio by adding Blue Wonder to the HG Group. Blue Wonder was market leader in the desinfectant cleaning category.

2022: Ecozone
In 2022 HG Group further diversivies her portfolio by acquiring Ecozone.
Ecozone was a leading independent brand in the UK ecological home care segment. With the focus on sustainability, it broadens the portfolio and opens up possibilities to further develop the HG Group sustainability strategy.

And for the future?
We are on track to become the undisputed number one in specialty cleaning in Europe. Furthermore, we keep developing our HG brand by acquiring Blue Wonder and Ecozone, further establishing our ambition to become the number one.
Wil you join the ride?

Blue Wonder
Specialized in desinfectants

Does what it promises

Environmental friendly cleaning products that work!