How we hire

Getting to know you
In the first call, let our recruiter learn about you and your story to check a potential fit to Recruitee.This is also a chance for you to ask first questions about the role and company.

Manager’s interview
In this meeting, your future Leader takes a deeper dive into your experience and what you could bring to the team. You can expect a conversation on your past experiences and what you can bring to our business.

Second interview
In the second interview we will more thoroughky assess the company fit and how you would embrace your new role. For some roles we will send a personality assessment prior to this interview

Business case
For some roles we will ask you to prepare a business case presentation. It's time to show your skills!

Let's get together!
You made it to the very last stage! In this final stage we will try to get together to make sure you join our company. And ofcourse celebrate the success.